These free bar modelling maths resources from White Rose Education are perfect for primary or secondary pupils. All the worksheets involve addition and subtraction within 100 and come with answers to make marking easy.
Part-whole worksheets
The part-whole bar modelling maths worksheets introduce students to a bar model diagram. Pupils have to find missing values.
The worksheets encourage children to think about the number sentences represented by each diagram. They’ll also recognise the importance of the proportionality of the different bars.
Pupils will also use the bar model to solve word questions. The first few questions ask students to complete the diagrams. In later questions, students have to draw their own.
The final worksheet features more challenging, multi-step questions that pupils should use a bar model to solve.
Comparison model worksheets
The comparison model bar modelling maths worksheets introduce students to bar model comparison diagrams. Students have to find missing values.
The worksheets also encourage students to see links between words in a question and how this is represented in diagrams. Question 2 shows a slight adaptation of the comparison model.
Bar modelling maths CPD resources
The CPD package aims to enthuse, guide and support you in making the most of the power of bar modelling.
You get a PowerPoint presentation which forms the basis for a one-hour CPD session for staff and presenter notes. Use these materials to introduce the importance of bar modelling.
White Rose Education offers in-depth training programmes, clear, practical resources and bespoke support.