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AQA English Language Paper 1 2025 – Ultimate revision booklet

What's included?

70-page PDF

Key Stage



Years 10-11


This free, 70-page teacher-made booklet will help your students revise each question on the AQA English Language Paper 1. Its bright and appealing design will appeal to your pupils.

With a focus on developing skills, this AQA English Language Paper 1 revision pack gives students the opportunity to read and write a range of fiction texts and pieces of descriptive or narrative writing.

AQA English Language Paper 1 revision pack

AQA English Language Paper 1 revision booklet

By using this revision pack, students will practise reading fluently and writing effectively. There’s a focus on grammar, figurative language and analysing texts.

Section 1

This pack contains a wide range of creative literature fiction texts that will help pupils think about how established writers use narrative and descriptive techniques to capture the interest of readers.

AQA English Language Paper 1 revision booklet

A range of 20th and 21st century prose fiction texts are included:

  • Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
  • This Lie Will Kill You by Chelsea Pitcher
  • The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga
  • The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
  • Girl at War by Sara Novic
  • This is My America by Kim Johnson
  • Matilda by Roald Dahl
  • Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful by Arwen Elys Dayton

The different tasks in this revision pack will help students to focus on narrative perspectives, points of view, character, atmospheric descriptions and more.

They will revise language features and practise spotting them. They’ll also think about writing’s effect on the reader and the difference between language and structural features. Pupils will also practise using evaluative phrases.

Section 2

AQA English Language Paper 1 revision booklet

Section 2 of this revision pack will help students practise writing their own creative text. They need to demonstrate narrative and descriptive skills in response to different written prompts and images.

Pupils will plan some reusable ideas that they can use in Section B of AQA English Language Paper 1. They’ll also concentrate on writing to the title, writing descriptions and writing in different genres.

The activities included in this AQA English Language Paper 1 revision pack will encourage students to use sensory language, different language features and brush up on their spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Meera Chudasama is an English, media and film studies teacher with a passion for design and research. She has developed course content for the Chartered College of Teaching. We also have an AQA English Literature Paper 1 revision resource, plus AQA English Language Paper 1 and 2 revision booklets.

AQA English Language Paper 1 Ultimate revision booklet
AQA English Language Paper 1 2025 – Ultimate revision booklet
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