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Animals including humans – Non-fiction extracts and questions

What's included?

3 x PowerPoint, 2 x Word doc

Key Stage



Years 3-6


This KS2 educational resource explores different elements of the topic ‘Animals including humans’.

There are three non-fiction extracts to take a look at:

  • The Marvellous World Inside You: Understanding Human Blood
  • The Skinny on Fad Diets: Proceed With Caution
  • Understanding Alcohol

Animals including humans PowerPoints

Each extract comes with an accompanying PowerPoint, designed to facilitate a deeper understanding of the topic of animals including humans. To reinforce learning and encourage critical thinking, the PowerPoints includes a variety of interactive activities.

Simple quizzes test pupils’ recall and comprehension, while individual thinking tasks challenge them to reflect on the texts and their meaning. Partnered talk activities encourage collaborative learning, allowing students to discuss their ideas with their peers. Vocabulary lists breaks down some of the more difficult words from the topic of animals including humans.

Example questions

  • Why might we think of red blood cells as though they are superheroes?
  • What do you think could happen to your body if you didn’t have white blood cells?
  • Why do you think it is illegal to drink and drive?

Ashley Booth is a Year 6 teacher and phase, maths and reading lead. He is passionate about improving reading. Visit his website. We also have an animals including humans Year 3 PowerPoint.

Animals including humans resources
Animals including humans – Non-fiction extracts and questions
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