PDFs of teacher information, mini cards, treasure hunt and answer sheet
KS2, KS3
Years 5-9
This activity is perfect for upper primary and lower secondary students. It allows them to practise calculating angles in isosceles and scalene triangles.
Note that unlike most treasure hunts, this one has the added feature that the answers give an encrypted clue. Pupils need to decipher this clue to reveal where the treasure is!
A Treasure Hunt is a great activity which children love. They are ideal for revision, starters or plenaries. They are a really great way to get students to answer questions quickly and enjoy doing so.
We’ve included the question cards in two sizes. You can pin the large cards around the classroom and use them for a whole class activity. Use the smaller loop cards for group or individual work – they are particularly helpful for one-to-one tutorials and during interventions.
KS3 maths curriculum area
Geometry and measures: Derive and use the sum of angles in a triangle and use it to deduce the angle sum in any polygon, and to derive properties of regular polygons
David Morse has been a maths teacher for over 30 years, as well as an examiner. He creates lots of primary and secondary resources which you can find in his TES shop and on his website maths4everyone.com. You can also follow him on Twitter at @maths4everyone.