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PrimaryHealth & Wellbeing

Alcohol KS2 – 4 PSHE lessons with resources

What's included?

PowerPoints and PDFs

Key Stage



Years 3-6

Use these KS2 alcohol resources to equip pupils with essential knowledge about alcohol, including its risks and emotional impact. This way you’ll empower them to make informed, safe choices for the future.

All of the resources are flexible. You can easily adapt them to suit your individual needs by picking and choosing which activities to use, and when to teach them.

KS2 alcohol lesson plans

Introducing alcohol

The introductory alcohol KS2 lesson makes pupils aware of what alcohol is, why people drink it and the associated risks of drinking alcohol. This knowledge will help children make informed decisions in the future and stay safe from harm.

Risks and harms

This lesson makes students aware of the risks and harms associated with alcohol, encouraging them to make informed decisions in the future and stay safe from harm.

Peer pressure

This lesson makes pupils aware of the relationship between peer pressure and underage drinking.

Emotional health

This lesson makes pupils aware of the impact that alcohol can have on emotional health

Alcohol KS2 download contents

  • Presentations
  • Curriculum links
  • Guidance notes
  • Information sheets
  • Scenario sheets
  • Pupil sheets

Learning objectives

  • Know what alcohol is and why people drink it
  • Have an awareness of the harms associated with alcohol
  • Develop an awareness of the impact of alcohol on young people.
  • Understand the risks and harms commonly associated with alcohol
  • Learn that being informed and making good decisions can help you stay safe around alcohol
  • Understand how young people’s actions in relation to alcohol can be influenced by their peers
  • Know that peer pressure can lead to underage drinking
  • Build confidence to identify and manage peer pressure assertively
  • Understand how alcohol can affect emotional health
  • Know how to find ways of managing problems and stress without alcohol

Alcohol education can be a personal and sensitive topic to some young people. Students may have family members or close friends who are affected by alcohol dependency or other issues explored in these resources.

The learning strategies offered in this resource encourage open discussion but be aware of your class’s needs and circumstances.

Drinkaware is an independent charity which aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by helping people make better choices about their drinking. There is also an alcohol KS3 lesson plan.

Alcohol KS2 teaching resources
Alcohol KS2 – 4 PSHE lessons with resources
PrimaryHealth & Wellbeing
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