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SecondaryThe Arts

Abstract art ideas – Fast-paced KS3/4 lesson plan

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage

KS3, KS4


Years 7-11


Your students will be amazed at what they can achieve by the end of this inspiring and fast-paced abstract art ideas lesson.

The stumbling block for many otherwise talented and creative young people can often be their lack of confidence when stepping out of the safe boundaries of realistic depiction, into the relatively uncharted waters of abstraction and conceptual ideas.

They often resemble novice skaters hanging on to the side of the rink. But helping them let go and dare to glide can result in some powerful moments.

This abstract art ideas lesson helps students embrace sophisticated artistic concepts. It also helps them understand that they can regularly use this as a problem-solving tool to further their own development.

Abstract art ideas starter activity

The objective of this lesson is how to transform any given subject easily and effectively into a piece of highly individual, meaningful and imaginative art.

Students should start the session by grading themselves from one to ten on their confidence in being able to produce a successful piece of abstract work in a single lesson. Use mini whiteboards or a sheet of card with a confidence line on it, where they mark their own name.

Is your group used to sharing this self-reflection? Try forming a continuum line across the classroom or writing names on stick notes and posting them on a shared class confidence line.

Caroline Saunders initially worked as a professional textile designer. She is now leader for art at Hazelwick School in Crawley. Get more advice for helping students with their GCSE art final piece.

Abstract art ideas lesson plan
Abstract art ideas – Fast-paced KS3/4 lesson plan
SecondaryThe Arts
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