PDF poster
KS3, KS4
Years 7-11
Good behaviour is fundamental to all educational objectives, but too often teachers lack a structured approach to optimising behaviour. This Tom Bennett behaviour poster is a short summary of his Creating a Culture: How School Leaders Can Optimise Behaviour report.
The poster summarises some of the best behaviour management strategies teachers and leaders need to improve behaviour.
Tom Bennett’s independent review of behaviour in schools was commissioned by the UK Department for Education to investigate and provide recommendations on behaviour management in schools.
Tom Bennett behaviour poster
The poster explains how to get in front of behaviour by shaping your school’s behaviour culture. It covers:
- ‘Making the weather’ in your classroom
- Why we take behaviour cues from our peer group
- How to immerse students with normative messages
- Building effective routines
- The best way to communicate behaviour instructions
- The importance of effective behaviour feedback mechanims
Display the poster in your staffroom to support ongoing professional development and discussions related to effective classroom management and behaviour strategies.
Tom Bennett is a behaviour advisor to the DfE and founder of ResearchED. Oliver Caviglioli is a former special school headteacher, who is now an information designer, creating visual clarity around teaching concepts and processes. You can find him at olicav.com and follow him on Twitter at @olicav.
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