Golden Hind Museum Ship

Photos of Golden Hind Museum Ship
What will students see and do?
Golden Hind, in Brixham Harbour, is one of two full-sized replicas of Sir Francis Drake’s famous ship (used in the first circumnavigation of the globe between 1577-1580). For more than 50 years, the ship has entertained and educated visitors about the 16th-century world of explorers and privateers. The all-weather attraction includes indoor displays, wide-open decks and onboard activities for students to learn.
The Golden Hind Museum Ship is a Tudor galleon, complete with five decks that will help students experience the sights, sounds and smells of life on board.
Students can use a smartphone to listen to or read about the ship, crew and history as they walk around; see the captain and officers’ cabins and where the crew and prisoners slept below decks; and find weapons, tools, cannons and other artefacts from the age of discovery.
While on the ship, students can also look out for secret stamps in order to claim a prize, participate in a mouse hunt or test their mettle to see if they have what it takes to walk the plank. There are hands-on activities like rope tying and hauling, and you can take photos in the stocks too.
A typical visit includes an explanation of the ship layout, an exploration of the inside and outside decks and time with an onboard costumed storyteller.
How does the trip link to the curriculum?
If you’re looking for a history trip, the Golden Hind provides a great spotlight on the 16th century. You’ll get an insight into Drake’s achievements and what life on a 16th-century ship was like. This then launches into discussions on broader topics like exploration and social history.
The themes explored are most relevant to Key Stage 1 and 2 study, and include social structure, health and medicine, food and sources of information.
There are plenty of other subject options beyond history though.
Plotting out the path of the ship as it worked its way around the globe provides opportunities for geography, travel and maths lessons. Students can calculate how fast the boat travelled and compare it to ships today. And looking at how the ship was built provides some great engineering insights as well.
Moving to the arts, students can use Drake’s crest as a jumping-off point for an art lesson where they create their own, while the story of the ship provides drama activities for students to act out the mutiny and other adventures.
Subjects covered
Teaching resources provided
You’ll be provided a questionnaire activity that can be used while onboard or as a follow-up lesson after the visit. The questions include information the children can find around the ship, including:
– Names from the crew
– Details on live animals kept on board
– How long the trip lasted
– What continents the ship sailed to
– How many masts the ship has
– How many cannons it carried
– Where the officers lived
Staff can work with you to customise your experience in some ways, particularly in bringing more Tudor history beyond Drake’s ship and trip. Maps, diagrams and worksheets provided can supplement whatever learning exercises you have planned.
Minimum and maximum group size
Students can be organised into smaller groups once onboard to explore the ship and participate in specific activities. A maximum of 40 students can participate in the costumed talk, while the indoor cabin with a table and wooden benches can seat 30, although there is standing room for more. Only 12 to 15 children can work around that table at one time.
If your group has at least 20 people, you will usually have exclusive use of the ship, although the ship can take on more than 100 people at any one time.
Details of risk assessment
The Golden Hind supplies a risk assessment listing various hazards you might encounter on the ship. Teachers should still plan to complete their own risk assessment, however, and free admission is provided for a pre-planning trip.
The ship does supply as much detail as possible in advance to help determine if the Gold Hind is a suitable venue for school trips. While efforts are made to keep the ship as safe as possible, preserving the authentic experience of life in the days of Tudor England and pirates does lead to some special potential hazards.
Hazards and potential risks listed in the assessment include:
– Uneven surfaces on deck due to wood planks
– Falling off the ship
– Stairs in various locations on outdoor and indoor decks (some are narrow)
– Fire onboard
Don't miss our downloadable A-Z guide on completing a risk assessment

Facilities on-site
As you might expect from a 16th-century ship, there are limited facilities of any kind on the Golden Hind. There are no seating areas or lockers onboard, and limited deck space for belongings.
There are no toilets or handwashing facilities onboard, but the nearest public toilets are 100 metres from the ship entrance, and students can get on and off the ship as needed.
There are no food or drink concessions either, as food and drink are not allowed on board. Several cafés and restaurants can be found nearby, however.
Opening times
The museum ship is open from 10am to 4.30pm daily, although hours might change if the weather is bad. The ship is usually shut from the end of October half-term to the beginning of February half-term.
The entrance fee for students is £6 each, with groups receiving one free adult ticket per six students. For groups of 20 or more, that pricing includes a costumed storyteller for one activity. If your group has fewer than 20 pupils, an additional £20 contribution is required for the storyteller.
Travel arrangements
If travelling by coach, there is a drop-off point opposite the ship at Brixham Harbour and coach parking available at Oxen Cove car park nearby.
By ferry, there are several places that offer local service to Brixham from Torquay, Paignton and Dartmouth.
The number 12 bus runs frequently in the area, and the ship is a three-minute walk from the central bus station.
The nearest train station is Paignton, followed by Torquay, and you can catch the bus, ferry or taxi to the ship from there.
The Quayside, Brixham, Devon
Book your school trip to Golden Hind Museum Ship
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