Field Studies Council – London

Photos of Field Studies Council – London
What will students see and do?
If you’re looking for UK school trips to London, FSC London offers a range of courses across the capital city, using inspiring and exciting natural and built sites. Through working at a wide range of sites, the Field Studies Council offers a variety of courses and educational school trips.
All teaching sites are located near tube or train stations. FSC has been working in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (QEOP) since 2009 and has witnessed the transformation of the Park and the local area. They also work in partnership with The Royal Parks to deliver education in Bushy Park, Greenwich Park and The Regent’s Park.
Environmental education is at the heart of what FSC does, so if you’re looking for school trip ideas, the Field Studies Council offers a huge range of activities for school-age children.
For early years students:
The field study centres have a wonderful range of habitats where many mini-beasts can be found. Children can take a very close look at what lives in and around the different environments and compare what they find.
Using age-appropriate classification keys and equipment, pupils will identify different living things along the way and see how animals are grouped. This is a hands-on day which can be adapted for your class.
For primary school trips:
During a day of investigating ponds and different environments, pupils will learn about the concept of habitats and microhabitats, and will identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited.
Pupils will be able to describe how habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other.
Key Stage 2 children will explore the local area using map and compass skills and discover the impact of people on habitat using a range of fieldwork techniques.
Secondary school groups:
On science school trips, students will cover a range of topics looking into GCSE Ecosystems (Biotic/Abiotic/Cycles/Abundance/Distribute/Human).
The Field Studies Council also offers a variety of other options at its sites, including field trips for college and university students, natural history courses and walking holidays.
With interest in forest school activities rising, the field work at FSC makes for great school holiday activities.
How does the trip link to the curriculum?
The educational visits and geography and science trips link to the national curriculum, and content can be tailored to suit your requirements.
A qualified tutor is assigned to each trip to oversee your visit and create a bespoke friendly atmosphere.
Working scientifically, children will be able to develop an understanding of nature, group and classify animals, and use their observations to suggest answers to questions.
Pupils will learn about living things and their habitats, and will be able to describe how habitats provide for animals, as well as simple food chains.
The secondary school courses cover the geography national curriculum with locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork.
Subjects covered
Teaching resources provided
To find out about specific teaching resources, contact Field Studies Council – London directly.
Minimum and maximum group size
There is a maximum capacity of 180 pupils.
Details of risk assessment
FSC supports the risk-benefit approach to school trip risk assessments for outdoor activities that have been adopted by both the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).
The benefits of taking acceptable intellectual and physical risks can be seen in the growth and development of young people.
FSC is committed to the delivery of high-quality outdoor learning and appreciates and assesses the risks associated with delivering over three million hours of outdoor learning every year.
A detailed risk assessment for activities and teaching sites is undertaken, which forms the basis of a dynamic approach to assessment by trained staff whilst in the field.
Don't miss our downloadable A-Z guide on completing a risk assessment

Facilities on-site
Public cafe, public toilets.
Opening times
The office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Costs will be arranged on booking, and a charity donation can be made on the website.
Travel arrangements
There are several location sites for Field Studies Council – London:
Teaching sites, including: Stratford, Docklands, Kings Cross, Brick Lane and South Bank.
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
Beckenham Place Park
Bushy Park
Greenwich Park
The Regent’s Park
FSC has developed links with First Travel Solutions (FTS). For more information about arranging transportation, visit the FSC website.
FSC London: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London
E20 2ST
Book your school trip to Field Studies Council – London
For information on booking your school trip to this venue, click below.