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Unlock the power of authentic language learning with

30 Second Briefing

Built on three foundational principles – Authenticity, Efficiency, and Inspiration – the platform’s unique videos feature dynamic, young native speakers sharing their real-life experiences, fostering a genuine connection to language learning in your students.

You’ll also discover a wealth of curriculum aligned content, supported by an automatic tracking system for student progress, and complemented by engaging games, points, and friendly competition to keep your students excited and fully engaged.  

Elevate your classroom experience and ignite a lifelong passion for languages today. 

1. Over 10,000 language learning videos

Featuring young native speakers, the videos are short and easily digestible for grasping key concepts quickly, rated and clearly marked with difficulty levels, and supported by accompanying interactive exercises.

They benefit from straightforward navigation, so you can easily find the right videos for your classroom and curriculum.

2. Inspirational and interactive exercises

Options include drag-and-drop gap-filling exercises; listening comprehension to challenge language understanding in context; grammar lessons which adapt as students work and only let them advance when they’re ready; and Nutty Tilez, the one-of-a-kind real-time vocabulary game that students love.

3. Smart teaching tools to make your life easier

Our tools are carefully curated to support your curriculum, including a wealth of video and interactive content; quick work and assignment selection; instant marketing and feedback; and long-term progress tracking to allow you to focus on what really matters.

“The platform’s unique videos feature dynamic, young native speakers sharing their real-life experiences, fostering a genuine connection to language learning in your students.”

4. Develop skills and confidence

Our carefully scaffolded exercises promote steady skill development and give students the confidence to push themselves to really engage with their language studies.

5. A support team that’s really there for you

Our team is committed to ensuring you maximise your time with thisislanguage, whether that’s signposting you to the most relevant content or undertaking personalised training for your department to ensure everyone has exactly what they need.

Try it for yourself – take advantage of an exclusive extended trial, giving you 30 days free access! Just use the code ‘TEACHSEC’ when registering before Friday 29 September. 

The details
  • Never scripted: no scripts, no actors, just young native speakers speaking spontaneously and truthfully about their lives
  • Save yourself time: with quick assignment selection, automated marketing and feedback, and long-term progress tracking
  • Curriculum alignment: access complementary exercises and resources as well as videos which can connect to your existing resources such as textbooks
  • Playing for peanuts: students go nutty for Nutty Tilez,’s real-time vocab game which challenges writing accuracy and vocab recall  
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