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The Literary Curriculum from The Literacy Tree

Literacy Tree

What is it?

The Literary Curriculum is a complete, book-based approach to the teaching of primary English. It’s designed for use by individual teachers, whole schools and home educators.

It includes detailed planning and teaching resources and assessment tools for use from Reception to Y7, all using high quality children’s literature.

Developed by The Literacy Tree, a group of English specialists who have previously been teachers, school leaders and moderators, the Literary Curriculum immerses children in a literary world, creating strong engagement and providing exciting and authentic contexts for learning.

What’s included?

The Literary Curriculum provides detailed, downloadable, daily plans that cover the complete requirements of the Programme of Study for English. These can all be adapted and personalised to meet the needs of different learners.

Planning sequences

These two- and three-week sequences of sessions take children through a book identifying opportunities for grammar, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension and lead to a range of purposeful shorter and longer written outcomes.

Spelling seeds

These two- and three-session investigations allow children to explore rules and patterns required for spelling linked to the focus text from the Planning Sequence they are working on, whilst building in new vocabulary to use along the way.

Literary leaves

These sequences explore all aspects of Reading Comprehension by taking children through a range of literary fiction, nonfiction and poetry that also reflect and reinforce the themes and contexts of the texts covered in the Planning Sequences.

Whole-school resources

School subscribers have access to a range of additional planning and assessment tools including RATE (Recording and Assessment Tool for English), coverage maps and policy documents.

“The Literary Curriculum offers a thrilling variety of literature to motivate and excite children”

John Dabell, Teach Reading & Writing magazine

Need to Know

  • 250+ book-based planning sequences that embed a love of literature and provide a strong context for learning by creatively embedding all aspects of Primary English including grammar and vocabulary.
  • 100s of additional Spelling and Reading resources allow exploration of vocabulary and spelling patterns, reinforce literary themes and contexts and allow coverage of reading Comprehension expectations.
  • Whole school resources ensure the approach is embedded including assessment tools, coverage maps and overviews plus videos of us teaching the sessions!

Find free samples of planning resources and other tools at and visit the website to find out more about membership and the range of other services on offer for schools.

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Literacy Tree

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