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Teach Primary issue 18.5 is out NOW!

The front cover of Teach Primary magazine issue 18.5

The holidays are almost in sight!

To help you celebrate the end of term – and reflect on the past year – this issue’s special focus is The Big Summer Send-Off. 

On page 42, Chris Youles proposes an exciting business-based project that will get Year 6 buzzing. Adele Darlington has put together a lovely art project based around memories (p48), while Kevin Harcombe is in a contemplative mood about the realities of saying goodbye to your pupils (p47). 

On the theme of the big step up to secondary, Jodie Morris (p15) breaks down her school’s holistic approach to making transition as smooth as possible, and providing ongoing support for Year 7s. 

As another school chapter comes to a close, it can be a good time to think about what you could shake up next term. James Searjeant (p13) has some tried-and-tested suggestions for ways you can incorporate more exploration and experimentation into your practice.

“As another school chapter comes to a close, it can be a good time to think about what you could shake up next term.”

On page 27, Claire Watson and Kate Kellner-Dilks explain how you can rework the humanities curriculum to better reflect the needs of your particular school. There seems to be no escape from the topic of AI at the moment. 

In this issue’s medium-term plan (p22), Martin Burrett has done the thinking for you and put together an informative and challenging UKS2 unit of work that explores both the practical and moral aspects of using AI. 

Our expert WAGOLL this month is a fun one, as TV actor and screenwriter Joseph Elliott talks us through how to create a comedic scene (p58), while Ceri Eccles takes us on a charming trip to Narnia with a The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe book topic (p61). 

In our This Way! section for heads and school leaders, we’re focusing on the topical issue of recruitment and retention (p37), with strategic advice from some expert contributors. 

I hope the rest of term goes swimmingly for you. As ever, do drop me a line if you have any interesting lesson ideas to share. 

Enjoy the issue! 

Lydia Grove  – Editor 

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