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Scout Adventures – Making Amazing Things Happen in the Great Outdoors

What is Scout Adventures?

With its expertise in informal outdoor learning, and world-famous Scouting heritage and values, Scout Adventures inspires generations of young people to reach their potential and learn skills for life. With over 100 years’ experience in character education the Scout movement has helped young people enjoy fun and adventure, learn new skills and become active citizens of the future.

At Scout Adventures it’s all about helping young people to reach their potential. It believes that learning away can have a powerful, positive impact on young people’s academic achievement.

This is supported by Learning Away Final Evaluation Report on the impact of residential experiences, which suggests that a residential experience can lead to a 58% improvement in attainment at primary level.

Over three quarters of young people also say they get on better with their teachers thanks to the residential.

With wider research, evaluation findings and the wealth of on-the-ground experience shared by their Learning Away schools, staff and young people – Learning Away is convinced that residentials can be highly worthwhile and impactful ways of teaching and learning.

Primary children who said they improved in these areas after a residential:

  • Increased attainment: 58%
  • Better engagement: 72%
  • Improved relationships: 75%
  • Increased confidence: 83%

Scout Adventures understands that it has a significant role to play in helping and supporting schools to provide high-quality residential experiences for young people of all ages that are teacher-led and designed to be affordable and inclusive.

So the evidence is compelling and powerful.

Download 12 resources at

Need to Know

  1. Scout Adventures know that the residential is often the highlight of your year. That’s why it’s important that you have the information and support you need to make the right decision.
  2. The organisation will provide you with the information and resources you need to share with your team before you decide. It wants you to feel comfortable with every aspect of the journey, from enquiry and booking to arrival and post visit.
  3. Once you’ve made the decision to book with Scout Adventures, the staff will look after you every step of the way.

“83% of primary children believed their confidence improved after a school trip. 75% said they had better relationships and 72% better engagement. While 58% believed it even helped their attainment in school.”

Contact 020 8181 3151 @Scoutadventures


Scout Adventures

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