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Review – ProgressTeaching

At a glance
  • A one-of-a-kind online teacher development tool that empowers continual improvement
  • Encourages self and collective efficacy of teachers, building a sense of collective progression
  • Workload reducing functionality for monitoring behaviour, tracking student data and reporting to parents
  • Designed with the role of teachers in mind – timesaving, intuitive and helpful
  • Integratable with MIS for seamless access to data

ProgressTeaching is founded on a simple concept: to improve teaching so that every school provides a great education.

The basic ethos is built upon the idea that a school is only as good as the quality of its teaching.

ProgressTeaching is designed with teacher improvement in mind and that is what makes it stand out so much from the crowd.

The cloud based interface allows teachers to refine their own practice, streamline data and reporting and, most importantly, support one another.

ProgressTeaching brings together teacher development, student information and parental engagement on one easy to navigate, intuitive platform.

After just a few minutes navigating the online portal, teachers are able to access and record, send and receive a wealth of information, giving them the power and time to focus on what is most important – teaching the students.

It is no secret that the processing, recording and application of school data is contributing significantly to the retention of teachers. When you factor in the continual need for development, it is clear that a solution is needed if we are to retain staff.

ProgressTeaching does away with a number of the complexities around data collection and collation, leaving teachers to do what they do best – teach.

Regardless of phase or context, ProgressTeaching is functional and exceptionally powerful with regard to staff development and an excellent workload reducing tool.

The platform is innovative and forward thinking, being the only existing platform to boast triangulation between teacher development, pupil progress and parental engagement.

For me, the highlight of ProgressTeaching is the developmental observational tools and tracking. We all know that being observed can be tedious and what ProgressTeaching does is align the process, making it completely transparent and, most importantly, tangible and fair.

The focus on teacher feedback provides practitioners with quality information about areas for improvement in their own practice. The centralisation of lesson observations allows amplified self-efficacy, leading to a strong collective vision.

Not only this, but the processes support the fundamental concept of improvement, building on the ethos of openness and continual growth in the classroom.

ProgressTeaching lets teachers share best practices easily, further emphasising the peer-centric approach and allows schools to see trends in teacher development.

Data yielded allows managers to quickly make action plans for teachers’ development and foster a more positive culture around CPD.

Research suggests that collective efficacy, focused support and the shared vision of teachers are key factors in supporting the outcomes of learners, and ProgressTeaching allows schools to develop these aspects perfectly.

Data tracking and recording can be a real time killer for teachers – with the current retention crisis, schools need to do all they can to ensure that teachers are not subject to arduous processes.

ProgressTeaching allows you to view a student’s progress across all their subjects in a single place. You can see their predicted and actual grades at a glance and identify which students need extra support.

The simplicity of the interface means navigating is effortless and the running off of information is equally as straightforward.

ProgressTeaching allows teachers and leaders to build and see the information that really helps learners move forward, ensuring that they are fully supported in their learning.

The platform provides real-time analysis of school, class, year group and student performance, meaning teachers get the full view of a student’s progress.

Alongside this, teachers can also easily access pastoral reports and student support strategies, meaning that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet.

ProgressTeaching is designed to integrate with your MIS, meaning migration of databases is simple. Teachers are able to interact with all student data, across all phases in one place, making the process simple and minimising the time it takes to see what matters.

ProgressTeaching allows teachers to freely communicate with parents, without clogging up their inboxes. The platform allows staff to write and send information to parents directly, respond to any concerns or questions from parents, share incident reports and identify any gaps in engagement.

Parents are able to view their child’s timetable and class information, progress reports information about behaviour and communication from teachers

From start to finish, ProgressTeaching is designed with teachers in mind. It’s a teacher-centric platform that offers real time-saving, productive functionality.

Find out more at

Verdict Reviewed by Adam Riches
  • Easy to use interface that saves time and builds quality of teaching
  • Teacher focused, developmental and forward thinking
  • Excellent tool for developing collective direction

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You are looking to build on teacher development through self-reflection and the collective efficacy of staff, or looking to streamline some of the more time-sensitive aspects of being a teacher in order to make your school a more positive place to work.

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