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real PE – Engage and challenge every child

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Real PE teaching platform

What is real PE?

real PE is an award-winning child-centred approach that transforms how you teach PE to engage and challenge every child.

It offers a sustainable, blended learning approach to CPD to support primary schools to deliver an outstanding PE curriculum with confidence.

What awards has real PE won?

real PE was the overall winner in the primary CPD category of the 2023 Teach Awards – an annual celebration of outstanding teaching resources. Judge Jon Hutchinson from Reach Academy, had this to say:

“real PE really does have something for everyone, from teachers who lack confidence in PE lessons to experienced PE subject leaders compiling evaluation reports.

“It is intuitive, professional and authoritative, and clearly understands the reality of life in school. I was so impressed with how real PE champions the subject and demands rigour whilst providing ample support to ensure all primary schools can offer great PE for all children.”

How does the CPD offer reflect teachers’ high workloads?

High teacher workload is one of the greatest obstacles to accessing CPD, therefore, the CPD offer includes:

  • My learning – on demand CPD
  • Webinars – live and on demand
  • real PE platform – comprehensive and progressive whole school curriculum, including schemes of work
  • Supporting resources – videos, blogs, curriculum support documents, impact and assessment tools
  • Teaching and learning framework – supporting teachers to create an inclusive and challenging environment where every child thrives in their learning
  • real PE community – a forum for peer learning and sharing best practice.
  • In-person support

What is My learning?

The on-demand CPD offering, My learning, has been created, based on feedback from teachers, to:

  • build confidence
  • develop and refresh teacher knowledge
  • provide relevant, engaging and personalised CPD
  • continually ‘up skill’ or ‘re-skill’ staff
  • explore and embrace new approaches to teaching and learning that will have a positive impact on outcomes
  • keep teachers at the forefront of pedagogical developments across the curriculum
  • minimise the demands placed on teachers and relieve pressure on the PE subject leader

My learning ensures staff are motivated, excited and inspired to deliver high-quality PE, so every child reaches their full potential in a fun, safe and challenging environment. The training provides:

  • flexible and interactive bite-sized learning.
  • conscious and proactive learning, rather than passive and reactive
  • support for ECTs
  • pedagogy supported by robust research
  • learning that includes videos, audio, quizzes, surveys and activities, with opportunities to reflect and plan
  • on-demand CPD so children across all year groups experience lessons of consistently high quality

What is the impact of real PE?

It improves pupil outcomes and progress. It continually reminds children of good habits, such as:

  • practising skills
  • looking for areas to improve and sharing these with their peers
  • encouraging others
  • applying skills in game situations

What does My learning analytics provide?

Subject leaders get intelligence on who has completed training so they can provide any additional support required.
real PE also receives information to help them continually improve and develop the product.

Where can I find out more?

real PE costs £695 per year. Find out more on the real PE website.


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