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Reading Planet from Rising Stars

What is it?

A flexible reading scheme for Reception-Y6, Reading Planet is now used by teachers, children and parents in more than 1,000 schools. The fresh and modern books and supporting resources ensure children meet and exceed age-related expectations and get hooked on reading. Resources are available in print and digital format.

Reignite reading across your school with Reading Planet, a print and digital reading scheme.

Embed essential early reading skills in Reception and KS1 with books for Lilac to White band. The resources are available in four strands, with book packs from £40.

Lift-off provides wordless and first word books to start the reading journey.

Rocket Phonics builds firm foundations in reading through fully-decodable books.

Comet Street Kids is an action-packed character series with highly decodable stories.

Galaxy provides highly decodable, topic-linked fiction and non-fiction to enrich the curriculum.

Develop KS2 children into confident, independent readers with fiction and non-fiction from £81 per pack.

The range of high-quality books for Stars (Lime) to Supernova (Red+) band have been created by top authors such as Anne Fine, Ross Montgomery and Narinder Dhami.

Classic and contemporary fiction will capture children’s imaginations and fascinating non-fiction will broaden knowledge of different curriculum areas.

All resources are available digitally through an Online Library subscription. This interactive online resource provides every Reading Planet book as an interactive eBook with accompanying comprehension quizzes.

A subscription provides home access for parents, allowing teachers to easily allocate and track reading at home.

In school, the Online Library can be used on its own or alongside your existing reading resources to support whole-class, group and independent reading.

Save up to 50% now. Reading Planet’s pricing structure is clear and supports budgets of all sizes. Visit

Need to Know

  1. Carefully levelled books, teaching resources and supporting materials available in a range of affordable packs and via an Online Library subscription for school and home use.

  • Fully and highly decodable books (for Reception and KS1) aligned to letters and sounds that will easily slot into your existing phonics teaching and ensure children practise phonic decoding skills in context.
  • Fresh and modern books that will get all children hooked on reading. The stories, characters and themes aim to truly reflect today’s world, celebrate diversity and champion individuality.

  • “Teachers feel the banding and progression are just right and the children love the modern feel of the stories”

    Suzanne Gibson
    Headteacher, Tranmoor Primary

    Contact 01235 400 555 @risingstarsedu @RisingStarsResources


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