Inspiration for Your Next Trip
The LookOut Discovery Centre, Hyde Park
Hyde Park covers is one of the eight Royal Parks in London. Its 350-plus acres offer stunning scenery, numerous events and outdoor learning spaces. The LookOut Discovery Centre focuses on integrating science education into outdoor learning. Students will have the opportunity to capture invertebrates and other organisms in the numerous ponds and meadows across the […]
Students can enjoy an educational trip with a difference as they get up close to animals on the farm and enjoy a cross-curricular day linked to their class topic, learning about food, farming and the countryside. Barleylands is set in the Essex countryside, and within easy reach from the London boroughs, and this Essex-based venue […]
Ringsfield EcoActivity Centre
Take your class on a school trip to the great outdoors and help pupils to discover the natural world in a safe and supportive environment. Located on a 14-acre site that includes woodland and meadows, Ringsfield Eco Activity Centre at Ringsfield Hall in Beccles does what it says on the tin. Nature-inspired eco programmes are […]
Ordsall Hall
Ordsall Hall was built in Salford in 1177 and is the oldest building in Manchester. It is well-known for housing the notorious Radclyffe family for many decades. The walls of Ordsall Hall have witnessed many milestones for this family, including marriage, feuds, deaths, and even Sir Alexander Radclyffe’s promotion to the high sheriff. The venue […]
Salford Museum and Art Gallery
The Salford Museum and Art Gallery offers an engaging and educational experience for your students, as well as a historic one, as the gallery first opened to the public in 1850. On-site, you can walk down the reconstructed street, Lark Hill Place, and feel like you’re living in the Victorian era. Plus, there are thousands […]
Rock UK – Carroty Wood
One look at the intricate adventure courses and you will see why kids will choose a day at Carroty Wood over video games any day of the week. With a huge range of outdoor learning activities, Rock UK’s Carroty Wood offers some of the the best activities for kids you can find. Carroty Wood boasts […]
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