Teacher Laura Dickinson explains how the National Centre for Computing Education’s CPD and resources have benefited her and her pupils…

The National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) is funded by the Department for Education and delivered by STEM Learning. They aim to transform the way computing is taught in schools across the country by offering CPD, certificates and resources to teachers.

About me
Laura Dickinson
Laura is a primary school teacher and computing lead.
What is the Teach primary computing certificate?
LD: The certificate programme offered by the NCCE has been designed to level up primary teachers’ knowledge through CPD, student enrichment activities and the use of high-quality resources. It leads to a nationally recognised certificate awarded by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.
Why did you enrol on the certificate?
I was first interested in the CPD element. The certificate offers a wealth of opportunities to tailor your professional development to your needs and the needs of your school.
The courses were timely and well-written, and I felt that the content was something that could really impact on my practice.
“The certificate offers a wealth of opportunities to tailor your professional development.”
How has it impacted your pupils?
I have been able to use the resources and knowledge gained from achieving the certificate to meet the needs of our pupils, regardless of their starting point. Because of this, our pupils are now even more invested in computing, they have a desire to learn, and a drive to develop their digital skills.
Would you recommend the certificate?
Absolutely! A lot of the tasks needed to complete the certificate are what teachers are doing in their classrooms, week in and week out.
CPD can often feel like an ‘extra’, but with the primary certificate, it is a celebration of what you have already achieved, and it gives you tons of ideas for the future. You also get to meet other teachers on the same journey as you.
“I felt that the content was something that could really impact on my practice.”
What would you tell someone considering completing the certificate?
It will not take too much time – which is important for teachers. You’ll be surprised at how many elements can fit into your classroom practice.
Start by identifying some courses to support your progress, and you’ll very quickly see how the high quality CPD and resources will not only make your teaching easier, but also more enjoyable.
To find out more, visit ncce.io/primcert
- Gain the confidence to teach great lessons and inspire learners
- Build your profile and take an active role in your local computing community
- Receive a nationally recognised certificate in primary computing