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Jigsaw – PSHE resources

What is it?

The stand-alone Jigsaw Programme, Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, is a well-structured scheme of work for PSHE, including a lesson a week for ages 3-16, with all the teaching and learning resources needed to deliver it, making it a gift for teachers and students alike. The whole-school approach includes progression and assessment. All statutory RSHE requirements are met, learning is engaging, and the impact is tried and tested across thousands of schools. Mindfulness practice in every lesson supports mental health and self-regulation. The programme includes ongoing free support and updates.

Both the primary (3-11) and secondary (11-16) Jigsaw Programmes meet all statutory RSHE requirements in the context of this whole-school comprehensive approach to PSHE, and make a significant contribution to personal development, SMSC, British values, the equality duty and safeguarding.

The comprehensive nature of Jigsaw saves teachers many hours of planning time so they can focus on delivering PSHE to meet their students’ needs.

The Community Area offers a wealth of support for teacher and subject leader alike, with knowledge organisers, mapping documents, editable sample policies, training materials, parent information, ongoing updates and much more.

The programme comprises six half-term Puzzles (units), every year group working on the same Puzzle at the same time at its own level, meaning the learning can deepen and broaden each year through our spiral curriculum.

There are six lesson plans in each Puzzle, with all the teaching resources needed to deliver them.

Secondary lessons are in PowerPoint format with teacher notes beneath the slides and student learning tasks included. Each lesson ends with Finishing Facts and signposting to further information and support.

The Puzzles, sequential from the beginning to the end of the school year, are a follows: Being Me in My World; Celebrating Difference; Dreams and Goals; Healthy Me; Relationships; Changing Me.

At primary level, each Puzzle is launched with an assembly and the learning messages reinforced with the original Jigsaw songs, which also help engender a sense of community.

A safe learning environment is created with the Jigsaw Charter, and the whole programme is grounded in sound psychology.

Again, at primary, the Jigsaw Friends (much loved by children) act as distancing tools and talking objects in circle times, helping children feel safe to express their thoughts and feelings.

The three age-related attainment descriptors for every Puzzle in every year group enable differentiation and make progression clear.

The built-in assessment system is straightforward and, at secondary, is aligned to the NCFE RSHE Levels 1 and 2 awards for external accreditation (Jigsaw is the endorsed teaching programme for these awards).

Mindfulness practice is included in every lesson for ages 3 to 16, enabling students to recognise thoughts and feelings in the present moment and intervene if beneficial.

Children and young people are at the heart of Jigsaw. The Jigsaw Education Group (comprising Jigsaw PSHE and Discovery RE) operates from authenticity and genuinely works to support teachers to empower their students.

It offers online and face-to-face training and consultancy to help schools maximise the Jigsaw PSHE Programmes.

Download sample Jigsaw materials from Its free Recovery Packages, written to support students to handle issues relating to Covid-19, can be found at (primary) and (secondary).

Need to Know

  • An annual subscription based upon pupil numbers that includes the teaching programme, free updates, free mentorship, and ongoing teachers’ support through the online Community Area.
  • Unique comprehensive programme with built-in progression, assessment process and age-related attainment descriptors saves planning time, ensures RSHE compliance and makes learning relevant and enjoyable.
  • Mindfulness practice in every lesson enables self-regulation, builds mental health and positive relationships, improving behaviour and increasing learning capacity.

“Jigsaw is helping me grow up and understand myself and my relationships. It has built my confidence and helps me believe in myself. The mindfulness practice gives me a peaceful place inside myself. I look forward to the lessons as they are relevant and teaching me about real life, things that make a difference to me; like friends, managing money and politics.”

Aged 14

01202 377 193



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