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Tap into expert advice from the Historical Association

Historical Association
A primary school teacher speaking to a pupil in a classroom

Teacher Stuart Boydell discusses the benefits of being a corporate member of the HA…

30 Second Briefing

Corporate membership with the Historical Association (HA) offers year-round access to history-specific support that anyone on a school’s staff can dip into at anytime. Member schools can access a vast collection of resources, teaching ideas, CPD opportunities and a community of people who are there to help.

Primary history leader Stuart Boydell

About me

Stuart Boydell

Stuart is a primary history leader.

Why did you decide to become a corporate member of the HA?

SB: The Historical Association offers so many opportunities to help improve my history subject knowledge and teaching. I can tap into expert advice and resources, as well as the support of a community of like-minded people – passionate historians and teachers who want the best for children’s history education.

One of the great things I’ve learnt about the HA since I first signed my school up as a corporate member is that the Historical Association never stands still.

A group of secondary school teachers at a desk

What do you value the most about corporate membership of the HA?

If you are a corporate member of the HA, you have a wealth of opportunities. You have the conferences, you have a network of historians who are always there to help, you have access to the web resources.

You have a go-to body of support, and I think that is very important, especially to new history teachers and history leads. It can sometimes feel you have been left on your own, and with the HA you are not – you have friends.

“You have a go-to body of support – I think that is very important, especially to new history teachers.”

What would you say to others mulling over joining the HA as a corporate member?

I would honestly say, “Just do it!” I have never regretted signing my school up for the corporate membership, and the powers that be within my school have never questioned the membership fee.

They see the added value from the school’s membership in terms of the improvement in the quality of teaching and learning. The annual cost is modest compared to many one-day CPD providers who come and go and are never heard from again.

For more information, call 0300 100 0223, email or visit

What’s the difference?
  • Year-round access and support that the history lead and other teaching staff can dip into at any time
  • Accessible support focused on improving expertise and confidence to support your pupils
  • Delivered by experienced experts and professionals who are either themselves current class teachers or teacher trainers
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