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5 reasons to visit… English Heritage’s Dover Castle

English Heritage
Two primary school children in a museum
30 Second Briefing

English Heritage is the charity that cares for hundreds of historic sites in every corner of England. Some are internationally famous, some are local treasures, and all are there for everyone.

There are over 400 heritage sites across the country just waiting to be explored, and we offer free, self-led visits to education groups at all of them, as well as expert-led Discovery Visits at iconic historic landmarks, including Dover Castle.

Following a major new project at Dover, its northern defences are now open to visitors. Education groups can explore the sieges of 1216 and 1217 and unearth how these pivotal events stopped the English throne from falling into French hands.

1. New Siege Experience

Delve into the network of underground tunnels built during the medieval sieges, and role-play firing the cannons.

Experience one of the best views of the castle’s defences; stand at the place where the attackers would have camped, and imagine how you would have attacked and defended Dover Castle.

Explore the northern defences and step inside the casemates exhibition to unearth the story of the sieges through exciting visual displays, cinematic film and engaging activities.

A group of primary school children learning at Dover Castle

2. New resources

Get hands-on with our new attack and defence handling collection and use our free Teachers’ Kit for KS1 –4+, full of activities and resources to bring this pivotal period to life.

Follow our sensory trail to discover medieval Dover, and use our interactive timeline and learn about the people who lived and worked at the castle.

3. Exclusive Teacher Twilight event: Wednesday 9 October 2024 4.15pm – 6pm

Join Senior Historian Paul Pattison as he takes you on a guided tour of our new siege experience. Find out how a visit to Dover Castle will support your teaching, explore our new teaching resources and gather all the tools you need to need to book a successful trip.

4. Take your learning further

Discover the castle’s 20th century history with our new, free resources.

Take on the role of Royal Navy recruits and learn to identify the different roles of the army and the navy at Dover Castle during the First World War.

Understand the context and significance of Operation Dynamo, and consider the role of deception during the Second World War. Can your pupils develop a plan to convince enemy forces that a large army is gathering on the coast?

Two secondary school girls with a teacher in a museum at Dover Castle

5. Book a hands-on, expert-led Discovery Visit

Let us lead an award-winning Discovery Visit for you!

Experience what life was like for the lords and ladies who lived at Dover Castle during our interactive Knights, Feasts and Garderobes session, or step inside the Secret Wartime Tunnels and find out more about the work carried out there during WWII.

Our hands-on sessions have been specifically designed to meet the needs of different groups across the key stages.

Find out more about the educational opportunities available at Dover Castle here.

Need to know
  • > Free self-led visits
  • > Free resources, including new activities, histories and sources to support teaching before, during and after a visit
  • > New hands-on experiences, exciting displays and a brand new education room
  • > Expert-led Discovery Visit sessions to bring learning to life
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