BLAST is linked to the National Curriculum and articulatory supports the development of the underpinning skills for phonics.
Literacy can only develop on solid foundations of vocabulary, language structure and speech sound knowledge.
With over 5,000 trained users, who have helped deliver the programme to over 1.7 million children, it has a proven track record in the development of speech, language and communication.
BLAST is made up of two packs, BLAST 1 and BLAST 2, both aimed at the foundation stage and designed to be fully accessible to all children within the setting.
The BLAST programme is also used with older children who have Additional Needs and both programmes are fully inclusive with the guidance given to differentiate the programme for a range of different children of different abilities within the same group.
About the BLAST packs

BLAST 1 is designed for all children in nursery aged from 3-4. There are 30 consecutive sessions fully planned and resourced to deliver to a group of 4-8 children.
All the setting needs is a trained BLAST user to run the group, a CD player and the pack! All the resources are included – there are no additional costs.
BLAST 1 works on the underpinning skills for language, communication and literacy – turn taking, discrimination, listening, attention and social communication as well as developing basic language skills both receptively and expressively.

BLAST 2 is designed for all children in reception aged from 4-5. There are 30 consecutive daily sessions providing a half term of work for a group of 4-8 children.
Settings need a trained BLAST user to run the group but if you have done BLAST 1 training you are good to go! No further training required!
In addition, the setting needs to photocopy some of the master sheets but all other planning and resource preparation are in the pack.
BLAST 2 works on developing phonological awareness; the underpinning requirement for being able to apply a phonics approach to literacy.
It also works on the skills needed to acquire, retain and access new vocabulary and to learn and store vocabulary in an organised way.
An organised vocabulary is essential in order to effectively and efficiently access the curriculum.
And remember the BLAST motto ‘Every child succeeds with every activity!’. So why not BLAST down the communication barriers and give every child the boost they need to rocket forward with communication and literacy skills.
To find out a little more about BLAST why not visit the website at or even give the team a call on 0843 557 0343?