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Become an Examiner with AQA

What is it?

As an examiner, you’ll mark exam papers in your specialist subject at home through an online system, starting two to three days after the exam, for up to four weeks. As a moderator, you’ll review samples of coursework. This will already have been marked at the school or college, and you’ll be confirming the grades

Exam marking is an excellent way to enhance your understanding of the assessment process. Becoming an examiner will provide you with opportunities to gain some unique insights, and receive free expert training and clear guidance pertaining to mark schemes and exam specifications.

Examiners get to review responses from students with a range of differing abilities, and can subsequently use this enhanced understanding to inform their lesson planning and inspire more creative teaching ideas.

Your school will also benefit from your increased subject expertise, with which you’ll be able to help guide colleagues and NQTs, passing on your newly acquired knowledge and insights.

Moreover, examiners get access to an extensive range of training modules that extend beyond the core examiner’s role and can support your broader personal development.

Exam marking can provide you with a crucial foot in the door, since future assessment vacancies are typically advertised the examiner community first. As well as looking great on a CV, experience of being an examiner can lead to various opportunities for career progression.

A team leader role, for example, through which you can build and develop your leadership and management skills.

You will also be well-placed to apply for different roles that might involve devising or reviewing question papers – in fact, there’s a whole range of roles available that can be performed alongside your existing teaching commitments, or into which you could move as part of a career change, whilst capitalising on your teaching expertise.

You can find out more about how becoming an examiner can positively impact your teaching experience at

Need to Know

  1. At least three full terms’ recent teaching experience (within the last three to five years) in the subject and level that you’re applying to mark

  • A referee – your current or most recent head of school or college, or head of department
  • A private PC or laptop with Windows 7 or later and home broadband access

  • “My career within the trust I work in has progressed alongside my career at AQA, but it’s my in-class teaching that is most impacted by my examining experience”

    Anna Hunt

    Contact @AQA



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