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Achieve maths mastery with the HUE HD Pro Visualiser

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If you want to teach like a champion and help children achieve maths mastery then opt for what Doug Lemov calls ‘Show Call’ which is basically a visual cold calling technique that keeps everyone on their toes and trying their best.

How do you do that? Set the class a maths task and share a student’s workings with the whole class using the HUE HD Pro visualiser.

This makes teaching, learning, and assessment interactive and explicit. It showcases different ways of solving a problem and prompts better understanding by all.

It’s a way of taking the class pulse and of helping pupils to learn from each other. You’d be surprised how quickly it becomes the norm.

Visualisers are the perfect tool for managing a range of responses across a class and for building a healthy ‘forensic’ culture of active assessment.

Using Show Call for maths mastery is an opportunity for children to discuss, reason and argue in a safe and professional context.

It’s where high-quality analysis takes place and where mistakes or incomplete understanding are seen as stepping stones towards mastery and a normal and necessary part of learning.

The HUE HD Pro gives pupils a chance to shine by demonstrating how much they have learned and how they now ‘get it’. This allows pupils to ‘grow’ and to ‘glow’.

10 ways to share maths moments for mastery

  1. Begin a maths pattern and ask students to predict what comes next
  2. Use manipulatives to demonstrate concepts
  3. Demonstrate which calculator buttons to press
  4. Show 2D and 3D shapes so children can readily identify them
  5. Share maths processes and formulae
  6. Illustrate fractions with numbers and pictures
  7. Help children work through word problems
  8. Illustrate place values
  9. Count money/coins together as a class
  10. Show students how to use a protractor

How to use Show Call with the HUE HD Pro

There are lots of ways to use a Show Call other than focusing on children’s own work. You can use your HUE camera to project the work of a fictitious pupil on screen for deep excavation.

This is seen as a ‘safer’ route because no one is singled out and embarrassed by the work shown.

Have children lead a Show Call analysis so they can be the teacher where they ask the rest of the class questions about how the work could be improved.

For example, they can ask: “Can you give me two stars and a wish about this piece of work?”, “Has a step been missed out?”, “What can be done better?” etc.

Another way to use a Show Call in class is to select a pupil’s work for analysis and not tell children why it has been chosen – it’s down to them! This way, children learn to respectfully read, analyse and edit each other’s efforts with rigour and an eye for detail.

An important part of teaching for maths mastery is to structure lessons so that there are frequent opportunities to check if pupils have learned what has just been taught and for pupils to recap, review and consolidate their prior learning.

The HUE HD Pro visualiser allows us to look, listen, actively engage, deconstruct and construct. It also allows the teacher to model as the expert and share their expertise so that all pupils can model with full confidence themselves.

Here’s a summary of just some of the educational benefits of using a HUE HD Pro in your class:

20 ways a HUE HD Pro visualiser can help achieve maths mastery

  1. Model processes and strategies
  2. Check for understanding and upgrade knowledge, comprehension, and skills
  3. Build a culture of listening carefully to each other
  4. Help pupils analyse their peer’s work with specificity and insight
  5. Help to excavate errors, mistakes, and misconceptions
  6. Amplify thinking and normalise a growth mindset
  7. Promote maths editing and progression
  8. Encourage discourse and argumentation
  9. Show a WAGOLL and annotate work
  10. Promote an incentive to produce high-quality work
  11. Build a culture of accountability
  12. Invest quality time in explaining each other’s thinking
  13. Engineer more thoughtful responses
  14. Make formative assessment an active process
  15. Build pupil autonomy and confidence
  16. Teach pupils that everyone has something to share
  17. Contribute to higher quality standards
  18. Help pupils connect the dots to see the whole picture
  19. Enable pupils to take ownership of their own learning
  20. Help children to grow and glow in a positive maths culture

And finally…

HUE visualisers are perfect for achieving maths mastery by enabling teachers to discuss misconceptions and ensure children are understanding and reasoning every step of the way on their maths journey.

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