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4 Reasons to try Equals

How the schemes of work of this formal SLD/MLD curriculum can make a difference in your setting…

1 | Cross-curricular

EQUALS’ schemes of work are open to personalisation, beginning at the start of the individual pupil’s learning journey and aiming for the highest level of independence possible.

Pupils with severe learning difficulties (SLD) or moderate learning difficulties (MLD) learn differently, so it follows that the curriculum SoW used must be tailored to their specific needs.

2 | Suitable for all ages

They can be used from primary to FE level. Suitable for all ages and stages of education, from 2 to 25 and even beyond, they’re not directly mapped to specific ages or Key Stages.

Instead, learners fit into them where they will according to their individual abilities, interests and learning journey.

3 | Essential companions

The schemes act as a series of ‘recipes’ that guide teachers but don’t instruct.

Unrelated to the National Curriculum, they’re specifically written for pupils with SLD/MLD and focused on learning intentions, rather than objectives or targets – and shouldn’t be concerned with SMART pre-determined outcomes.

4 | Easy to access

EQUALS’ SoW are provided electronically and accessed via remote servers. Each licence covers an entire school or centre, thus affording all teachers easy access to these essential curriculum resources.

Supported file formats include .PDF and .DOCX, making the SoW easy to adapt and customise as required.

At a glance

  • Curriculum SoW for pupils with severe learning difficulties or moderate learning difficulties
  • Can be adapted to the needs of SLD/MLD pupils not engaged in subject-specific learning
  • Suitable for use by pupils working below age-related expectations in both specialist and mainstream school settings

For more information call 0191 272 1222, email and visit



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