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10 reasons to invest in a classroom camera or visualiser

At only £44.95 + VAT you can afford a HUE HD Pro in every classroom

The document camera or visualiser is fast becoming a basic tool not only of the traditional classroom, but also for online tutoring and remote learning. It really is true that a single image can replace 1,000 words.

Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text, so using images (static or video) to teach any subject must be a good thing.

The HUE HD Pro camera works with any application that recognises a USB camera (Windows, macOS and Chrome OS) and is also regularly used with video conferencing software like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, OBS and Google Hangouts for webinars, web conferencing, distance and home learning.

1 | Better visibility, image enhancement

You can stimulate students’ curiosity by magnifying objects or insects. HUE’s powerful 10x magnification lens combined with projection equipment makes very small objects visible on the screen so that the whole class can see them clearly. This can be used to great effect for those with visual impairment. Magnification can also be used to help students who have poor reading skills by highlighting various parts of the text to draw attention to certain grammar structures or ideas and themes.

2 | Sharing work or materials

The HUE HD Pro makes it possible for the entire class to view any document, demonstration or 3D object together. One common practice is to share a student’s homework and then edit it “live” with the rest of the class to demonstrate common mistakes and best practices. Students can also share their own work or group projects.
Students like the characterful camera and its tactile versatility will encourage use and resultant learning through using the technology. Use it for show and tell and student presentations.

3 | Doc-casting

Doc-casting involves creating short instructional videos using your document camera. The possibilities are endless: you can show students how to pour safely from a test tube to a beaker; how to properly cut a pattern out of a folded paper; how to fill out a graphic organiser; how to perform a difficult brush stroke with water colours, or how their assignment will be graded with a rubric. Your own voice is recorded using the HUE’s built-in microphone; and your tabletop becomes the canvas they will see. Once created, these short instructional videos can be posted on your LMS, sent to YouTube, placed on a teacher or school website, dispatched to mobile devices, or simply emailed as a link.

4 | Flipped Classroom

Use flipped learning and provide your students with the video before the lesson. Use class time for discussion or analysis or for practical demonstrations.

5 | Annotate and edit images

This function allows you to add annotations in real time. Add text of different size and font, select existing text, rotate, add colour, underline and even delete annotations. Edited images can be saved for later use.

6 | Live video

The HUE HD Pro camera allows you to carry out live video experiments and video conferences with other schools. This can be especially helpful for educators, who want to record their lessons for posterity, or for having class notes and lectures available for students who were out sick or on leave. If a student is absent, it helps if they can watch the video to catch up as opposed to teachers finding spare time to explain what they’ve missed.

7 | Automatic Image Capture

The HUE HD Pro can capture images automatically by using any of the following stimuli; movement; setting fixed intervals and duration or by pressing the keys. Capture a flower growing or egg hatching.

8 | Continual professional development (CPD)

CPD is another hot topic where the HUE HD Pro can contribute. A recent Harvard study * showed that most of the teachers who participated found a more constructive and useful feedback when using this technology than what was observed in the classroom. By recording your lessons and then sharing for peer-to-peer assessment. * A 3-year study completed by the Harvard Education Policy Research Center (CEPR) to see if video monitoring was a productive way to improve the classroom observation process. The teachers who participated in the video recordings reported that the feedback was more constructive and useful than being observed in their classrooms.

9 | Stop motion animation and 21st-century skills

Stop motion animation is a movie creation technique in which individual images are captured and then linked together creating the illusion of movement. Students build, develop and create videos by becoming authors of their own knowledge instead of passively receiving lessons in class. The technique combines the attitudes of the 21st century of collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creativity and trust.

10 | Scanning and photography

Use your camera to scan or photograph the lesson material or to keep a record of a student’s work, for grading using Gradecam,and save money and time on photocopying.
Coupled with third party software or websites designed to read QR codes, the HUE camera can be connected to a computer to live stream and scan codes.

Use it to take photographs of school visitors for security purposes.

And finally…portability and flexibility

The HUE HD Pro is an easy-to-use flexible and lightweight camera that teachers can use everyday in any classroom and any subject.

So put one in your backpack today!



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