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Pupil progress is being held back by teachers’ poor mental health

The full results from the Leeds Beckett University and research into the link between teacher mental health and quality of teaching

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Children’s education is suffering because of poor mental health experienced by many teachers, according to new research.

In a survey of 770 teachers carried out by and Leeds Beckett University, 77% said that poor teacher mental health has a detrimental impact on pupils’ progress.

Key findings from the report include:

  • 94% say mental health can have a detrimental impact on their physical energy in the classroom.
  • 73% believe mental health can have a negative impact on the quality of their explanations in lessons.
  • 72% think that their questioning skills in lessons can suffer due to poor mental health.
  • 89% say their mental health can have a detrimental impact on creativity in their teaching.
  • 85% thought their mental health could reduce the quality of their lesson planning.
  • 56% of respondents report they currently have poor mental health.
  • Fewer teachers, only 36%, thought poor mental health made a difference to their ability to assess learners’ achievements.

The full results are as follows:

1. I have read and understood the participant information sheet. After reading the information I am happy to participate in this survey
775 out of 775 people answered this question

1Yes773 / 100%
2No2 / 0%

2. Do you currently have poor mental health?
773 out of 775 people answered this question

1Yes430 / 56%
2No343 / 44%

3. How was this identified:
427 out of 775 people answered this question

1General Practitioner:220 / 52%
2Self-diagnosed:187 / 44%
3Other20 / 5%

4. How many years have you been teaching?
774 out of 775 people answered this question

10-5215 / 28%
26-10175 / 23%
311-15142 / 18%
416-20122 / 16%
520-30104 / 13%
631-4013 / 2%
7Above 40 years3 / 0%

5. What sector of education are you employed in:
771 out of 775 people answered this question

1Primary (5-11)493 / 64%
2Secondary (11-16)171 / 22%
3Early Years Foundation Stage (0-5)73 / 9%
4Further Education (16+)34 / 4%

6. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on my physical energy in the classroom:
772 out of 775 people answered this question

1Strongly agree407 / 53%
2Agree320 / 41%
3Neutral31 / 4%
4Disagree13 / 2%
5Strongly disagree1 / 0%

7. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on the quality of my relationships with my learners:
775 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree352 / 45%
2Strongly agree279 / 36%
3Neutral70 / 9%
4Disagree67 / 9%
5Strongly disagree7 / 1%

8. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on the quality of my explanations in lessons.
774 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree377 / 49%
2Strongly agree183 / 24%
3Neutral118 / 15%
4Disagree89 / 11%
5Strongly disagree7 / 1%

9. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on my questioning skills in lessons.
771 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree374 / 49%
2Strongly agree175 / 23%
3Neutral116 / 15%
4Disagree99 / 13%
5Strongly disagree7 / 1%

10. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on creativity in my teaching.
773 out of 775 people answered this question

1Strongly agree349 / 45%
2Agree344 / 45%
3Disagree42 / 5%
4Neutral30 / 4%
5Strongly disagree8 / 1%

11. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on the way I plan my lessons.
773 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree386 / 50%
2Strongly agree273 / 35%
3Neutral61 / 8%
4Disagree48 / 6%
5Strongly disagree5 / 1%

12. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on the way I assess my learners’ achievements:
773 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree279 / 36%
2Neutral200 / 26%
3Disagree144 / 19%
4Strongly agree137 / 18%
5Strongly disagree13 / 2%

13. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on my marking and pupil feedback:
769 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree348 / 45%
2Strongly agree183 / 24%
3Neutral116 / 15%
4Disagree114 / 15%
5Strongly disagree8 / 1%

14. My relationships with colleagues are detrimentally affected by my mental health.
768 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree344 / 45%
2Strongly agree250 / 33%
3Neutral97 / 13%
4Disagree65 / 8%
5Strongly disagree12 / 2%

15. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on my behaviour management skills.
771 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree375 / 49%
2Strongly agree247 / 32%
3Neutral72 / 9%
4Disagree65 / 8%
5Strongly disagree12 / 2%

16. My mental health can have a detrimental impact on my effectiveness in responding to the needs of my learners.
771 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree381 / 49%
2Strongly agree154 / 20%
3Neutral126 / 16%
4Disagree99 / 13%
5Strongly disagree11 / 1%

17. Poor teacher mental health impacts detrimentally on pupils’ progress.
766 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree352 / 46%
2Strongly agree235 / 31%
3Neutral118 / 15%
4Disagree52 / 7%
5Strongly disagree9 / 1%

18. My subject knowledge is less secure during periods of poor teacher mental health.
770 out of 775 people answered this question

1Disgree214 / 28%
2Agree212 / 28%
3Neutral207 / 27%
4Strongly agree86 / 11%
5Strongly disagree51 / 7%

19. My mental health can have a negative impact on pupils’ mental health.
767 out of 775 people answered this question

1Agree255 / 33%
2Neutral215 / 28%
3Disagree180 / 23%
4Strongly agree91 / 12%
5Strongly disagree26 / 3%

20. My own mental health can have a negative impact on the way I support pupils’ mental health needs.
771 out of 775 people answered this question

1Disagree226 / 29%
2Agree217 / 28%
3Neutral169 / 22%
4Strongly agree95 / 12%
5Strongly disagree64 / 8%

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