These free PDF place value worksheets for KS1 and KS2 from White Rose Maths help to support children’s learning.
KS1 place value worksheets

For KS1 maths there’s a five-page worksheet to support concrete learning with straws, Base 10 and counters. Children need to complete part-whole diagrams, show a number on a place value grid and complete number sentences.
There’s also a one-page worksheet that will help children understand the place value of two-digit numbers. Pupils have to make a number and draw it, write it in digits, write it in words and partition it.
KS2 place value worksheets

For KS2, there’s a three-page worksheet that features a selection of place value resources that link directly to concrete materials such as straws, Base Ten and counters. There are fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions to answer.
There’s also a one-page worksheet to extend and deepen children’s understanding of place value. Children have to use place value to find a mystery number. There are eight problems to have a go at.
You can also try a two-page PDF featuring four problems to get children thinking about place value with decimals.
There are also five additional problems for KS2 students to solve, based on place value. This set features integers only.
Four-digit numbers
The four-page worksheet in this download checks pupils’ understanding of four-digit numbers. Use it at the end of a sequence of work on place value. Encourage pupils to use place value cards and counters to help them understand, reason and explain what they are doing.
The first questions are fluency based. These test students’ understanding of place value in numbers. They then have to find 10, 100 and 1000 more than the given numbers. They then have to order numbers and identify values on a number line.
White Rose Maths provides high-quality, research-driven maths resources to support teaching and learning. Follow on Twitter at @whiteroseed. Download place value counters and a place value display.