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Mother’s Day ideas 2025 – Easy card and craft ideas for schools

Help children celebrate Mother’s Day with these themed activities and ideas for primary school…

by Teachwire
Classroom expertise and free resources for teachers
Mother's Day colouring pages
DOWNLOAD A FREE RESOURCE! Mother’s Day colouring pages – Free UK printables
PrimaryArt & Design

These easy and delightful Mother’s Day ideas for 2025 will inspire your primary students to create heartfelt gifts, cards and crafts that mums everywhere will cherish…

(Of course, it’s always important to consider children’s individual circumstances, including bereavement and adoption issues.)

When is Mother’s Day 2025?

In the UK, Mother’s Day 2025 takes place on Sunday 30th March.

Does it need an apostrophe?

Yes, it does. Use the singular possessive Mother’s. This is because the day is for each family to honour their mother, rather than commemorating all mothers in the world.

Mother’s Day ideas for KS1/2

Mother’s Day colouring

Mother's Day colouring

Keep it simple with a spot of classic Mother’s Day colouring. Print out and distribute these free sheets, then cut them out and stick them to the front of handmade cards.

KS2 writing activities

Mother’s Day writing pack

This Mother’s Day activity from literacy resources website Plazoom will allow pupils to write a letter of thanks to their mum (or another significant female). They’ll discuss why their mum is special, covering aspects of PSHE.

The resource pack includes teacher’s notes with five lessons and a PowerPoint presentation. There’s also a worksheet to record why pupils should thank their mum (alternative version included to thank a different significant female in a child’s life). You also get writing paper with a selection of Mother’s Day-themed page borders.

Mother’s Day Kennings writing pack

Also from Plazoom, this kennings activity pack involves students writing a kenning (a type of poem written as a list) that describes their mum.

Mother’s Day assembly for KS2

Mother’s Day ideas for assembly

The idea of this assembly is to celebrate Mother’s Day and suggest that it’s not just about cards and gifts. It takes the form of a simple play. You’ll need a leader plus four children to play the parts.

Mother’s Day craft ideas

Mother's Day certificate

Over at iChild you’ll find a nice selection of crafting activities to create Mother’s Day gifts and cards.

There’s everything from this Best Mum certificate to a handprint flower craft activity to colouring and bookmark worksheets.

DIY lollypop stick picture frame

Lolly stick Mother’s Day ideas

Granted, you probably haven’t been going through hundreds of ice lollies in recent weather, so you may need to source some unused ones. Howevr, this colourful craft activity can make for a lovely little Mother’s Day gift.

Mother’s Day flipbook

This Mother’s Day flipbook craft activity is fun and easy to make. Six tabs provide information that show just how much your little ones know about and love their special someone. You’ll also incorporate beginning writing practice at the same time.

Mother’s Day adjectives mat

This free printable adjectives mat contains loads of words for children to use in writing, whether they’re writing their mum a letter or describing them for classwork.

Mother’s Day word searches

These free printable word searches (one for son and one for daughter) provide a fun activity for younger students to get in the mood for Mother’s Day.

5 fantastic Mother’s Day ideas for Early Years

Year after year, Mother’s Day proves to be one of the best holidays on the calendar to get arty and crafty. With sentimentality being key, personal handmade gifts are the perfect direction to go. Here are some Mother’s Day ideas that are sweet, memorable, and full of love…

Vase and flowers

Long-lasting and flexible, a vase is a lovely way to show you care, and gives children lots of creative freedom. Start with a lump of air-dry clay. Show the children how to make a simple vase or cup shape, and allow them to dry overnight.

Once set, children can paint and decorate their vases. Remember to provide plenty of materials, like glitter, beads and sequins.

When the vases are dried and ready to go home, trim a few bunches of budding daffodil. Put a pair in each vase.

Picture frame

Again, this project offers children plenty of freedom to make whatever they think their mothers will like. Be sure to provide lots of colourful materials so that they can really get stuck in.

Ask parents to supply a copy of a nice photograph, either of the family or the child, that can go in the frame once it’s done.

Frames can be made of cardboard, lollipop sticks, wood or small twigs. However, a simple cardboard template works best for allowing children maximum creative freedom. The finished frame can be nicely wrapped in coloured tissue paper for presentation.

Cross stitch card

Not only are cross stitch cards pretty and not too delicate, but they are also a great way to teach children very basic needlecraft and stitches.

Select a nice simple design, a flower or something of the like, and take time to show children the technique, then help them complete the design.

This may take a bit of time, or need to be spread over a couple of sessions, but the finished product will be worth it.

Once the cross stitch itself is done, stick them into a window-style blank card and allow children to write the greeting inside.

Handprint/fingerprint picture

You can make a wide range of simple pretty pictures by incorporating handprints and fingerprints into the design, and they are particularly sweet to look back on in years to come.

For Mother’s Day-style themes, you can make a bouquet with a green handprint and petals on the fingertips, or a single flower using fingerprints.

Two handprints can make bird or butterfly wings, or a single handprint can make up the body of a pony, unicorn, and almost any other quadrupedal animal. Mix and match colours of paint and/or ink to make a really vibrant picture that will stand out.

Papier-mâché plant pot

For one more blank canvas project that children can really express themselves with, try customised plant pots. Cheap ceramic ones work well but plastic pots will do fine, and are cheaper to buy in bulk.

Put out dishes of torn-up tissue paper in lots of different colours, and allow the children to go wild with their designs. Once the base colour is done and dried, you can always give the optional extra of glitter, sequins and other embellishments.

Charlotte Baldwin is operations manager at IQ Cards, a fundraising company that provides schools and establishments with the necessary tools to fundraise via selling high-quality and unique gifts designed by pupils.

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