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8 of the best measurement worksheets and resources for KS2 maths

Whether your primary pupils are looking at length, wondering about width, or pondering perimeter, these worksheets, lesson plans and activities will help them on their way…

by Teachwire
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1 | Posting packages

This lesson takes a little bit of preparation, but it’s well worth it to see pupils engaged with maths and enjoying problem-solving.

During this lesson, children will be apply their knowledge and understanding of measure to sort out an imaginary post office mix-up, while also demonstrating reasoning skills and teamwork.

This lesson works so well because children are engaged from the moment they set foot in the classroom. Maths really comes to life for pupils when they have the opportunity to apply their learning to a maths in real life situation.

Get this lesson plan here.

2 | Perimeter problems

Help your pupils explore the measurements of the sides of shapes with these mathematical worksheets, lesson plans, activities ideas and games that featured in our roundup of nine great perimeter resources.

Check out these resources here.

3 | Corbettmaths Primary videos and worksheets

At you’ll find videos, worksheets, study cards and practice papers, all neatly laid out and easy to navigate.

So, in the videos and worksheets section you’ll find topics like area of rectangles, area of triangles, perimeter, money and units (length).

Each one has an introductory video like the one above, a worksheet and an answer sheet.

You’ll find them all here.

4 | Measuring your classroom

This simple worksheet for gets children to measure the length or width of things around your classroom to the nearest cm or mm – a chair, their shoe, their pencil and the worksheet itself.

Download and print here.

5 | Animal areas

These resources challenge children to find the area of various animal shapes, and can be used in a number of ways in the classroom.

You can ask pupils to find the total area of each animal by counting the squares, challenge them to find the area of each shape that is covered by each colour and then calculate the total area, or find out the perimeter of each shape.

Plus, pupils can use the blank grid to make their own animal pictures, then ask a friend to work out the area or perimeter of their animal.

Download the pics and blank template here.

6 | Converting lengths board game

This printable ‘Snakes and Ladders’-style board game is a fun way to practise converting between units of measures for lengths. All you need is a dice.

Get it here.

7 | Converting lengths

Or if you’re after a more straightforward way of converting lengths, this worksheet features 20 questions, the first 19 of which are basic conversion questions, and the last one asks pupils to order various lengths.

Print this one out here.

8 | Measurement worksheets collection

Over at you’ll find worksheets for various aspects of measurement: size comparison, time, calendar, money, length, weight, capacity and more.

Within each of those are various subcategories where you’ll find a range of worksheets. Some are for paid members but there are loads and loads of free ones, clearly marked, which you can download without even signing up.

Check it all out here.

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