Understanding Primary Assessment
Make sure your assessment is effective with these expert insights

- by Teachwire
Inside your download
The importance of assessment
Daisy Christodoulou discusses why assessment is such a crucial part of effective teaching
Exploring different types of assessment
The Oxford assessment team look at the differences between formative and summative assessment, and how both can help support teaching and learning in your school
Who is assessment for?
Andy Chandler-Grevatt looks at two different models for assessment – teacher-led and learner-centred
The A–Z guide to assessment terminology
In this jargon-busting resource, the Oxford assessment team explain key assessment terms and summarise the statutory assessments of the primary years
Assessment and Ofsted
The Oxford assessment team looks at the role of assessment in the Education Inspection Framework
Giving meaningful and effective feedback
Andy Chandler-Grevatt looks at how to create a formative classroom culture
How are robust assessments developed?
Catharine Parkes outlines the test-development process and how understanding this can help you evaluate the quality of published assessments
Developing an effective classroom assessment
Sue Stothard shares ‘three whats’ to guide you through the process, plus a step- by-step guide to creating a good multiple-choice assessment

Related Articles
- Ofsted Inspection Framework – Pros, cons and advice from experts
- SATs 2025 – The ultimate teacher guide to preparing pupils for Key Stage 2 assessment
- Peer marking – Making this strategy work in primary & secondary
- Assessment for learning – Transformative teaching strategies to try
- Intent implementation impact – What this Ofsted curriculum phrase actually means

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