Prepare students for STEM careers
Learn how to equip your secondary pupils with the skills that STEM employers are looking for

- by Teachwire
Inside your download
How to equip pupils with the digital skills they need
As data analysis becomes an ever-more important employment skill, we must ensure that today’s students can meet the challenge
How to use project-based learning to challenge STEM stereotypes
Project-based learning can show the depth and breadth of what careers in science actually look like
How to run open-ended STEM projects
Why open-ended investigations help students develop the skills highly prized by STEM employers

Related Articles
- Women in STEM – Smashing stereotypes and upping participation in schools
- Interdepartmental collaboration – Maths and science
- STEM education – Downloads, activities and ideas for teachers
- Science trips for schools – How a STEM school trip to a science centre inspired one pupil to do a medicine degree
- STEM in the fast lane – the car design project that teaches students to think like engineers

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