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Banking lesson plan and resources for KS3 citizenship/financial education

What's included?

Powerpoint and PDF documents

Key Stage



Years 7-9


The teaching aims of this lesson are to explain the concept of banking and bank accounts, the different sorts of bank accounts and to encourage students to shop around for the best deals.


Students will be able to recognise the different types of bank accounts, know how to open a bank or building society account and understand the range of services offered by banks that can give them better control over their money.

This resource includes:

  • Lesson plan PDF
  • Activities PDF
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • 2 x handout PDFs

Make Money Make Sense has been developed by Eastbourne Citizens Advice Bureau and East Sussex Trading Standards, providing teachers with all they need to teach the financial literacy aspects of the citizenship curriculum. Download more of its resources here or on its website at

Banking lesson plan and resources for KS3 citizenship/financial education
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