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Inspiring STEM career choices

A space for pupils to experience STEM workplaces under one roof

Take a peek behind the scenes of STEM careers at the Science Museum’s free interactive gallery, Technicians: The David Sainsbury Gallery.

With collaborators including Marvel Studios, the NHS, National Grid, and the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, the gallery allows young people to get hands-on with tasks technicians do everyday – from creating visual effects on a blockbuster filmset to analysing blood samples in a laboratory.

The gallery aligns with science, design, technology, art and computer science curriculums, supporting productive career conversations with pupils spanning a range of sectors and jobs.

In their free workshop for schools, Meet an Employee, pupils will meet a technician from a partner organisation and discover what it’s like to do their job in a hands-on activity or Q&A session. The workshop supports you in meeting Gatsby’s Good Career Guidance benchmarks by providing opportunities to experience workplace environments and encounter employees.

Book a place on the Meet an Employee workshop and experience the careers gallery this term.

For more information, call 03300 580 058, email or visit

Curriculum links
  • STEM The Technicians Gallery recreates workplaces across multiple sectors through interactive exhibits that allow pupils to experience what it’s like to do a variety of job related tasks.
  • CAREERS – The Meet an Employee workshop is led by real-life technicians; pupils will hear their stories and be encouraged to explore their own interests and skills.
  • ART AND DESIGN – The Technicians Gallery showcases art and design career pathways and encourages pupils to explore ideas, analyse their methods and evaluate outcomes.
  • COMPUTER SCIENCE – The Technicians Gallery allows pupils to think innovatively, analytically, logically and critically through a range of hands-on exhibits.

Science Museum
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