The notable thing about this fractions, decimals and percents worksheets is the breadth of numbers pupils are working with. It includes recurring decimals and values greater than 1.
Use these printable worksheets as a class activity or set them as a homework assignment. This worksheet is suitable for KS3, although this topic also appears on Foundation tier at GCSE level.
Coversion between percentage and decimal
Start with conversion between percentage and decimal (Q1-2) before including conversion to fraction (Q3-4).
Converting fractions
Next pupils will look at conversion from a fraction, starting with those denominators that are factors of powers of 10. This is followed by simple recurrences (thirds, ninths, thirtieths and ninetieths), before reversing this process by looking at decimals and percentages that exhibit this recurrence.
Don’t expect pupils to use a full algebraic method for Q7-8. They should use what they noticed in Q6 about the fractions that have a single recurring digit when expressed as a decimal.
At the end of these fractions, decimals and percents worksheets students will look at other fractions that produce terminating decimals. They’ll finish by looking at other fractions that produce recurring decimals.
Free math worksheets
These practice questions have been designed to allow pupils to try all significant aspects of the content. They should also notice things about the structure behind each content area.
Students will need to use reasoning skills to explain why they’re seeing the results they are.
We’ve limited worksheets requiring arithmetic to integer calculation so you can use them with pupils who may not yet be fluent in decimal/fractional arithmetic.
Where pupils have these pre-requisite skills, we recommend, where appropriate, that you adapt the questions to include this content.
We’ve included an answer sheet in the download for your convenience.
Peter Mattock is an assistant headteacher and secondary mastery lead for the East Midlands South Maths Hub. He’s the author of Visible Maths and Conceptual Maths (Crown House Publishing). Follow Peter on Twitter at @MrMattock.
Try a fractions, decimals, percentages equivalence codebreaker activity.