Dartmoor Zoo

Photos of Dartmoor Zoo
What will students see and do?
Dartmoor Zoo is situated in 33 acres of beautiful woodland on the edge of Dartmoor, with stunning views of the surrounding countryside. It was the inspiration and setting for the film We Bought a Zoo, starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson.
The zoo hosts a fantastic collection of animals, including tigers, lions, cheetah, jaguar, lynx, wolves, tapir, capybara, racoon dogs, meerkats, monkeys, a wide variety of bugs and reptiles, and much more.
For visitors with phones, there are QR codes on the signage in front of the animal enclosures that will take you to Dartmoor Zoo’s YouTube channel. There, viewers can learn fun facts and detailed overviews of the animals.
Dartmoor Zoo is dedicated to wildlife conservation, education and research. It works hard to ensure that the development of the zoo does not have an adverse effect on its beautiful woodland environment. There are plenty of open spaces for your pupils to run free.
How does the trip link to the curriculum?
Education is at the heart of the Dartmoor Zoological Society. It has engaged with over 100,000 learners both in the UK and beyond, encouraging excitement and exploration through interactive learning programmes and interpretation.
One way Dartmoor Zoo does this is through its wide range of workshops, designed to inspire students to learn about the animal world, conservation and native wildlife.
Delivered by a team of enthusiastic professionals, the sessions are put together around the national curriculum and support cross-curriculum delivery.
EYFS students can choose from:
Head, Shoulders, Scales and Tails
Magnificent Minibeasts
Making Sense of the World
Investigating the World
Hide and Seek
Close Encounters (suitable up to KS4)
KS1-2 pupils have the chance to learn about:
Habitats (KS1)
Classification (KS1-2)
Animal Superheroes (KS1-2)
Evolution and Adaptations (KS2)
KS3-4 students can select from:
Science in the Workplace
Careers in the Animal Industry
Evolution and Inheritance
Animal Behaviour
Captive Breeding
Enrichment Design and Making
Our Planet
British Sign Language-assisted tours and encounters are also available.
Subjects covered
Teaching resources provided
As well as a visit to Dartmoor Zoo, you can purchase a virtual school trip tour, virtual workshop or live Q&A to share with your students.
The 35-minute-long virtual tour will take you around some of the zoo’s most iconic animals including a family of Asian short-clawed otters, an African lion pride and a panther chameleon.
Your class will get an insight into these animals from a mixture of keepers, presenters and volunteers, covering all aspects of these animals including where they can be found in the world, how these animals feed and what can be done to save them.
Meanwhile, the half-hour Q&A will allow you to chat one-on-one with the zoo’s keepers and ask all your burning questions about the stunning animals or what it’s like to work alongside them.
During the 20-minute virtual workshop, Dartmoor Zoo will introduce you to some of its less furry animals, including a spiny-tailed lizard called Elizabeth and even an elusive hermit crab.
Minimum and maximum group size
There is a maximum of 20 children for EYFS workshops and 30 children for all other workshops.
Details of risk assessment
Dartmoor Zoo requires visiting teachers to complete their own risk assessment. To assist with the planning, Dartmoor Zoo’s risk control measures are listed on the website – these are for your guidance only and should not be used in place of your full risk assessment.
Don't miss our downloadable A-Z guide on completing a risk assessment

Facilities on-site
Dartmoor Zoo has a range of facilities to make visits even more enjoyable, including a gift shop, a restaurant, a large picnic area, snack kiosks, an upcycled materials children’s play area and toilets (including disabled facilities).
Opening times
Daily, 10am – 4pm
Pupil entry: £7
Workshops: £30
There is free admission for each supervisory adult per four nursery-aged children, seven primary school children, ten secondary school children, one special school pupil (if required) or ten students older than 16. Additional adults cost £9 each.
Travel arrangements
Dartmoor Zoological Park is located on the far side of Sparkwell Village. The site offers free parking adjacent to the main entrance and disabled parking facilities are available outside the Jaguar Restaurant at the top of the drive.
Bus service 59 stops right outside the zoo main entrance and operates from Monday to Saturday. The closest local train station is at Ivybridge.
Dartmoor Zoo has also teamed up with Tamar Coaches to offer a discounted deal. If your school is based in the Plymouth area, it can provide you with your own coach to and from the zoo for just £195. To book, contact Tamar Coaches directly on 01752 294194.
Dartmoor Zoo, Sparkwell, Plymouth, Devon
Book your school trip to Dartmoor Zoo
For information on booking your school trip to this venue, click below.