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Everything you wanted to know about becoming an examiner with AQA

As you’ll know, AQA is the UK’s largest exam board who sets and marks over half of all GCSEs and A-levels taken in the UK every year.

To accomplish this, we work with an amazing community of examiners.

How are exams marked? Before you begin live marking, our subject matter experts will guide you on how to mark accurately with a number of practise questions.

To increase reliability of the marking, we’ll break up an exam paper and allocate you to mark specific questions.

As you work through these questions, you’ll receive regular and helpful feedback from your team leader who’ll allow time for you to implement any changes to your marking.

What support can I expect? The accuracy and the quality of our marking is a top priority, so we want to ensure you’re comfortable and confident as an examiner.

As a result, we provide training on how to navigate our online marking software along with materials on how to effectively apply the mark scheme.

Throughout your time with us as an examiner, you’ll be able to access our online learning system which has a number of professional development modules.

What will I earn? How much you’ll earn as an examiner is completely dependant on the complexity and volume of papers that you mark.

Typically, an examiner can expect to earn between £500-£1,000 in their first year of marking.

Marking is completed remotely over approximately three weeks. How you split your marking across your week is completely up to you.

How will marking help my teaching? Examining is a brilliant opportunity. By seeing a breadth of papers from a range of capabilities, you’ll get to see how students are performing under exam conditions and identify frequent errors that are made.

You’ll then be able to use this to inform your teaching and guide your students against these mistakes.

Because of this unique insight, our examiners tell us that for the papers they teach and mark, they see improved grades from their students.

How will marking help my school? Becoming an assessment expert will allow you to share your new knowledge with your department or even run internal training for current and new teaching colleagues. As an examiner, you’ll be able to use your unique knowledge of what mark schemes are asking to predict grades with confidence, for use in the classroom or reporting to senior management.

‘Marking has been invaluable to my development as a professional, but also to my students in terms of their academic progress.’

Adam, The Garibaldi School

‘It encourages you to read up on content you don’t know and improves your subject knowledge.’

Helen, Torbay School

‘The regular feedback from my team leader was exceptionally useful, it was personalised and gave me the chance to reflect on my teaching approach.’

Lianne, Harris Boys’ Academy

Find out more about AQA and how you can become an examiner by clicking here to apply now.

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