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Sequencing and Looping Puzzles Worksheets for KS2 Computing

Key Stage



Years 3-6


These simple puzzles take common activities already used in primary school and add a programming context for pre-coders.

Programmers ‘sequence’ instructions: putting them in the right order. Sequences are often placed in to ‘loops’, doing the same sequences of instructions over and over. Sequences and loops occur in nature too. Lifecycles, for example, are sequences of events happening in a loop.

In these puzzles the cycles are fitted in to a flow-chart-style diagram familiar to programmers.

If you were programming a cartoon about the life cycle of frogs, for example, you’d need to code the same looping sequence.

The flow chart version might correspond to the storyboard design created to help code the actual program.

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Sequencing and Looping Puzzles Worksheets for KS2 Computing

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