This light and shadows Year 6 worksheet lets students explore the effects that different light sources have on shadows, and the distance between the source and the object creating the shadow.
Light and shadows Year 6 worksheet
This worksheet begins by prompting students to consider the following objects: glove puppet, tape measure, white screen and torch.
Students need to come up with three questions for investigating these objects. They then need to decide on just one question and formulate their own investigative approach.
Conducting an investigation
The light and shadows Year 6 worksheet outlines steps for conducting the investigation, including:
- setting a title
- defining the problem/question
- detailing the method
- listing required equipment
- drawing a diagram to aid understanding
Students need to carry out the investigation and then think about recording results, ensuring a fair test and drawing conclusions.
Scientific skills
This Year 6 worksheet engages students in hands-on inquiry, fostering curiosity, critical thinking and scientific skills. By encouraging students to hypothesise, experiment and analyse results, it promotes a deeper understanding of light and shadows.
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