Make learning about fractions of amounts fun and engaging by using QR codes. This PDF features a 24-question scavenger hunt linked to fractions of amounts using QR codes. It’s perfect for Years 4 and 5.
How it works
Print out and cut up the task cards. Place them around the room. There’s no starting point as they are one big loop. This means students can work all at the same time, individually or in pairs, starting at different questions.
The ‘code’ has the fractions of amounts question. Students scan the code, record the question (eg 6/7 of 42g) and answer, and look for that answer. Once they have the card with that answer, they scan that ‘code’ and continue with the same steps until they find all the answers.
Children need to write down their questions and answers as they solve each problem, to allow you to check for understanding. They also need to look carefully at the units of measure. For instance, there are several results featuring 36 (ml, m, g).
Little Sherbet Lemon has been a KS2 teacher for 18 years and enjoys making teaching resources which get children thinking and loving learning. Find more of her resources on her TES page Little Sherbet Lemon, and follow her on Twitter at litsherbetlemon.