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Measurement KS2 – Exciting cross-curricular paper plane project

Marc Bowen
by Marc Bowen

Deputy head and published author

What's included?

PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 3-6


Create paper planes in this fun KS2 measurement project that encompasses maths, literacy and teamwork…

To introduce ‘Project: Flight’ all you need is the brilliant FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith and a ream of paper liberated from the photocopier.

KS2 measurement learning objectives

  • Accurately estimate and measure to the nearest millimetre
  • Use a range of equipment to measure length
  • Convert metres, centimetres and millimetres
  • Identify and apply the features of instructional texts, including imperative verbs

Lesson starter

Start with a reading of FArTHER by Grahame Baker-Smith. It tells of a father and son who are united by a love of flying machines.

This set the scene for a challenge that forms the basis of the whole project: designing a paper aeroplane that will travel at least six metres.

Appoint yourself wing commander and assign each child the title of cadet. Set the end of the week as the point at which all your test flights will take place.

Not every child will automatically be involved. They need to graduate from cadet to test pilot to get hands-on with the testing of the paper aeroplanes.

Explain that they will earn test pilot status by proving themselves skilled in accurately estimating, measuring and converting length through a number of related activities during the week.

Marc Bowen is deputy head, Y4 teacher and curriculum leader at Raglan CiW VC Primary. He regularly contributes to local and national curriculum development projects.

Measurement KS2 lesson plan
Measurement KS2 – Exciting cross-curricular paper plane project
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