Make the prickly subject of determiners stick with a cute determiners KS2 lesson focused on these spiky garden favourites…
Determiners are scattered across almost every sentence in English. Many of us are blissfully unaware of their determined presence. Since the advent of the 2014 curriculum, children are now introduced to the concept of a determiner during Y4.
But how can we make the teaching of such grammatical terminology memorable? This lesson plan sets out an approach to teaching about determiners using photographs of cute hedgehogs as a lighthearted context.
The activities described in this resource would be best suited to a sequence of short, discrete grammar sessions.
Determiners KS2 learning objectives
- Know that a determiner appears before a noun (and its adjectives) to help us identify which person or thing the sentence is about, or how much or how many of them there are
- Identify determiners within sentences
- Use determiners accurately within sentences
John Coxhead is a Y6 teacher and senior leader at Longton Primary School, Preston. He is also a member of the Department for Education’s Teacher Reference Group. Follow him on Twitter at @johncoxhead89.